Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Catamaran Resort Hotel
(585) 488-1081
3999 Mission Blvd
San Diego CA 92109
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Jul 29 2011 on sunday 7/24/11. My daughter slept on the pull out sofa bed. She woke up the next morning with hundred of bites all over her. My wife and son slept on the bed with no bites. Looking into reviews this is not the first case here, though the management didn't seem to care or even apologize. Told us to take it up with Amex if we wanted a discount.
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On Jan 18 2010 tanneraz wrote, ...our stroller/baby up and down. 2. We realized our room on the 12th floor was crawling with bed bugs when we were awoken our first night itching and scratching. Although most of them smaller in size we killed half a dozen the size of coffee beans. The attendant on duty did let us change rooms, but moving all of our belongings in the middle of the night was aggravating. I also considered the move...
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998 W Msn Bay, San Diego CA 92109

1401 W Vacation Rd, San Diego CA 92109

1441 Quivira Rd, San Diego CA 92109

1710 W Mission Bay Dr, San Diego CA 92109

4540 Msn Bay Dr, San Diego CA 92109

4545 E Msn Bay Dr, San Diego CA 92109

1775 E MSN Bay Dr, San Diego CA 92109

2575 Clairemont Dr, San Diego CA 92117

3950 Jupiter St, San Diego CA 92110

3333 Channel Way, San Diego CA 92110

3000 Channel Way, San Diego CA 92110

3747 Midway Dr, San Diego CA 92110

3737 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego CA 92110

3880 Greenwood St, San Diego CA 92110

3888 Greenwood St, San Diego CA 92110

3325 Midway Dr, San Diego CA 92110

4747 Pacific Hwy, San Diego CA 92110

4200 Taylor St, San Diego CA 92110

3202 Rosecrans St, San Diego CA 92110

3330 Rosecrans St, San Diego CA 92110

3350 Rosecans St, San Diego CA 92110

3275 Rosecrans St, San Diego CA 92110

2484 Hotel Cir PL, San Diego CA 92108

2485 Hotel Cir Pl, San Diego CA 92108