Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Hampton Inn
(541) 431-1225
3780 W 11th Ave
Eugene OR 97402
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Nov 30 2012 Fififace wrote, we can in passing them on our way out, one night my daughter comes in and asks us "is this a bedbug?" Holy ____! My kids had a bedbug in their room! We took it downstairs immediately. I took pictures first of course-because ____ knows-that lady surely will blame us. They very next morning as the house keeping knocked on the door, my wife and daughter not dressed appropriately and half awake-...
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On Nov 18 2012 ...I knew I had seen it. Finally, between the sheets and bed cover I found a reddish brown tick-like bug. Of course I've heard of bed bugs so I immediately grabbed a cup and contained it. I googled bedbug/images; low and behold, it was exactly just that. I had a bedbug in bed with me. I was horrified and immediately packed my belongings and left! Oct 25th 2012. I took pictures of the nasty lil' bugger too.
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3780 W 11th Ave, Eugene OR 97402

1140 W 6 th Ave, Eugene OR 97402

640 Audel Ave, Eugene OR 97404

66 E Sixth Ave, Eugene OR 97401

476 E Broadway Ave, Eugene OR 97401

25 Club Rd, Eugene OR 97401

754 E 13TH Ave, Eugene OR 97401

850 Franklin Blvd, Eugene OR 97403

155 Day Island Rd, Eugene OR 97401

205 Coburg Rd, Eugene OR 97401

225 Coburg Rd, Eugene OR 97401