Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Holiday Inn Express
(843) 402-8300
1943 Savannah Hwy
Charleston SC 29407
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Oct 3 2010 ACN_TO wrote, ...the next day. However, had we informed ourselves before starting our 2-week road trip about bed bugs, we probably would have abandoned the room (if not the hotel) immediately. In our room, I saw a couple of these flat, dark, round-ish, small bugs on the wall - bed bugs, only, we didn't know what bed bugs looked like at the time so were not alarmed. We just got them with a tissue and flushed them...
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On Mar 8 2009 DrKathy wrote, ...on the bed and did about two-three hours worth of work on my computer. During this time I saw a bug on the bed. That happens in the South. I flicked it off the bed and went back to my work. Around 11 pm I decided to get ready for bed. I shut off my computer and got up. At that time I saw an outline of myself-all over the bed, all over the pillows were bed bugs. After dancing around the room trying...
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1943 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
2008 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
2058 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
678 Citadel Haven Dr, Charleston SC 29414
2080 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
2237 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29414
2236 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29414
1540 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
1524 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
2455 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29414
2225 Ashley River Rd, Charleston SC 29414
90 Ripley Pt Dr, Charleston SC 29407
98 Ripley Pt Dr, Charleston SC 29407
301 Savannah Hwy, Charleston SC 29407
11 Ashley Pointe Dr, Charleston SC 29407
170 Lockwood Blvd, Charleston SC 29403
146 Lockwood Dr, Charleston SC 29403
35 Lockwood Dr, Charleston SC 29401
144 Bee St, Charleston SC 29401
1000 Bonieta Harrold, Charleston SC 29414