Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Covenant Cove Lodge & Marina
7001 Val Monte Dr
Guntersville AL 35976
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Jul 24 2009 kingsmc46 wrote, ...of beer. Nice people, but not what I typically want to see when trying to get into my room. 4. Bugs/Spiders in tissue box and/or bed 5. No internet connection. You will have to drive up to the Hampton Inn lobby if you want that. 6. Someone or thing slamming into my door in the middle of the night. 7. The staff telling us not to drink too much b/c the cops wait in the parking lot to get people. 8....
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7001 Val Monte Dr, Guntersville AL 35976

14040 Hwy 431 S, Guntersville AL 35976

14451 Us Hwy 431 S, Guntersville AL 35976

14341 US Hwy 431 S, Guntersville AL 35976

4740 Hwy 431 South, Guntersville AL 35976

1155 LDG Dr, Guntersville AL 35976