Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Days Inn - Arlington
(703) 525-0300
2201 Arlington Blvd
Arlington VA 22201
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Oct 15 2012 WILLIAM G wrote, I enjoyed my stay at days Inn; but the boxed spring mattress was showing. An i got bitten by a bedbug please spray you rooms after each guest leaves. I know its a national problem but keep your hotels up to better shape with debugged. Most of all leave a detail of where the heating system is located, founded it along side of tv; on the floor. one one the lamps didn't work especially at the door. yours...
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On Apr 2 2012 aphroditehalo wrote, ...breakfast in "the restaurant," which looks like an abandoned Irish pub, in the morning. Basic bread, muffins, cereal, and hardboiled eggs that was swimming in a not so sanitary looking watery liquid. I'm glad we made it out of this place without being bit by bedbugs or coming down with food poisoning. The only plus to this place was the location. Very close to Arlington cemetery, That's it.
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On Jul 12 2010 ddes0659 wrote, I stayed at this hotel from 04-07 May. I awoke one morning in June 2010; six weeks after incubation of the bed-bugs with a swelled up and itchy back. My husband actually pulled 2 bed-bug larvae out of my back. The infections disease doctor confirmed that these bugs usually develop due to lack of cleanness. This hotel has very dirty mattresses that are not spayed, flipped or changed. The carpets are...
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On Jul 22 2006 543 wrote, This place may very well be dealing with a bed bug infestation. I awoke one morning at this place in July 2006 after feeling a crawling sensation on my cheek - you guessed it - a bed bug was found after dining on my blood. I promptly smashed it revealing its theft. 4-5 other bite sites quickly swelled up and itched for over a week. I asked to be moved to a clean room - but woke up the next day with...
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