Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Commodores Inn
823 S Main St
Stowe VT 05672
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Sep 10 2012 Barbara M wrote, ...that is the up side. After a very long day of travel we pulled back the covers to find a dead bed bug. (we had sat on the bed earlier to read. When we lifed the pillows there were bug. BED BUGS. I went directly to the man at the front desk, told him they had bed bugs, he very quickly got his back up and said they treat their place regularly. told me I had to "SHOW HIM" I went back to the room got...
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823 S Main St, Stowe VT 05672

1201 Waterbury Rd, Stowe VT 05672

1203 Waterbury Rd, Stowe VT 05672

Rt 100, Stowe VT 05672

511 Mountain Rd, Stowe VT 05672

1457 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

990 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

876 Mountain Rd, Stowe VT 05672

1746 Mountain Rd, Stowe UT 05672

1965 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

On The MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

2619 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

4000 Mountain Rd, Stowe VT 05672

4080 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

4361 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

Rt 108, Stowe VT 05672

4527 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

4859 MTN Rd, Stowe VT 05672

56 Turner ML Ln, Stowe VT 05672