Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Hotel 1000
1000 First Ave
Seattle WA 98104
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Jul 17 2011 Mr. Chung wrote, stay but we change rooms, the second room on the 8th floor was even worst, you can feel the bed bugs walking on your legs at night, it's horrible, we again reported it to the managment and they offered us free breakfast! really, free breakfast for 2 nights of bed bugs infestation. Really nice rooms but really need to do something about this problem, in the meantime I am reporting this to every...
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On Jul 17 2011 TzungChung wrote, stay but we change rooms, the second room on the 8th floor was even worst, you can feel the bed bugs walking on your legs at night, it's horrible, we again reported it to the managment and they offered us free breakfast! really, free breakfast for 2 nights of bed bugs infestation. Really nice room but really need to do something about this problem, in the meantime I am reporting this to every...
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On Nov 12 2010 Once Bitten wrote, ...the emergency room for steroid shots and oral prescriptions, dry cleaning of clothes and jackets, bug inspections for the house/bedroom (in case we brought them back in the suitcase), and new beddings/pillows/mattress covers. Not to mention that the unbearable itching and unsightly welts didn't fully subside for nearly two months. Bed bugs are no joke. Regardless of where you stay, be paranoid and...
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1000 First Ave, Seattle WA 98104

1007 First Ave, Seattle WA 98104

1221 First Ave, Seattle WA 98101

1101 4TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

400 SPG St, Seattle WA 98104

1112 4TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

700 Third Ave, Seattle WA 98104

1100 5TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

411 University St, Seattle WA 98101

77 Yesler Way, Seattle WA 98104

515 Madison St, Seattle WA 98104

1113 6TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

509 3RD Ave, Seattle WA 98104

1301 6TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

1415 5TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

1400 6TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

405 Olive Way, Seattle WA 98101

900 Madison, Seattle WA 98104

1531 7TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

721 Pine St, Seattle WA 98101

724 Pine St, Seattle WA 98101

2000 4th Ave, Seattle WA 98121

1900 5TH Ave, Seattle WA 98101

2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle WA 98121

620 Stewart St, Seattle WA 98101

1865 8th Ave, Seattle WA 98101

1011 Pike St, Seattle WA 98101

401 Lenora St, Seattle WA 98121

1942 Westlake Ave, Seattle WA 98101

2301 Third Ave, Seattle WA 98121