Bed Bug Planet SM Reports
Best Western Innsuites Hotel
(800) 554-4535
6201 N Oracle Rd
Tucson AZ 85704
This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.
On Sep 12 2010 ...out my light and looked down at the sheets by my pillow : dozens of pinhead sized tan/rust tiny bugs swarming all over the sheet! I jumped up and pickedup my pillow to look, and two large dark bedbugs fell out of the pillowcase. I swatted them and the tiny ones with my magazine, which left bloody smears on the sheet! I woke up my husband who was in the other bed in a panic, and he looked at this...
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6201 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

7411 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

245 E Ina Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

10000 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85737

10150 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85737

401 W Lavery Ln, Tucson AZ 85704

405 W Rudasill Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

5950 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

5900 N Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ 85704

2727 West Club Dr, Tucson AZ 85742

3110 E Skyline Dr, Tucson AZ 85718

11075 Oracle, Tucson AZ 85737

3800 E Sunrise, Tucson AZ 85718