Bed Bug Planet SM Reports

Holiday Inn Express Kilmarnock

(804) 436-1500
599 N Main St
Kilmarnock VA 22482

This Lodging Facility is NOT a member of the Bed Bug Planet SM Prevention Program and may have third party reports regarding bed bugs which were not verified by our Professional Inspectors. (Click on the Red Icon to view detailed bed bug reports.)
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The following reports are from third party sources. The Bed Bug Planet SM Program makes no representation as to the truth and accuracy of any of these reports, they are collected from across the internet by the Bed Bug Planet SM Search Engine.

On Sep 15 2012 September 15, 2012 2:42am I checked into this hotel and a friend sat down on the bed to find a bed bug crawling on the pillow. It was big. We told the front desk and the refunded our money. They didn't seem surprised. We are in town for a wedding and in the middle of the night we are switching hotels.
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Holiday Inn Express Kilmarnock 0.00 Miles Away
599 N Main St, Kilmarnock VA 22482